A wonderful day for everyone!
It seems that the FuQi day is officially over – anyhow, we want to continue flowing together with the built up happiness energy…
If we stay in touch with this power, it can go on forever. Every day can be a FuQi day. If we altogether mindfully preserve and maintain this condition, the mutual happiness can continue growing.
At this point, we want to warmly thank for your participation and in the name of many participants want to heartily thank Master Li for this great gift!
Many write and exchange their experiences already. We would like to make this accessible for everyone, so that a lively and open exchange can take place. In order to make that possible, in a following mail, it will be written how you can exchange your thoughts and experiences. It is beautiful to stay in contact at this level, too, so that the happiness energy can multiply and stay alive.
Not all who have participated receive our newsletters. Please inform your families, friends and relatives, so that they also have the chance to share their experiences. Everybody is warmly welcome. Maybe they want to subscribe to our newsletter.
„It was a very big, important and beautiful day. All have participated well. The connection was very good. The thoughts and feelings of many have changed, a new calm and power was there. It is important to maintain this condition. The energy must continuously be built up.“
Master Dean Li
FuQi day is every day.