afterwards, there were a few questions about the seminar, my message and about the DEAN ZENTRUM.
Everyone has her/his own preferences and wishes about how much practice, talking and teaching should be in a seminar.
Referring to that, it is important to understand: energy is energy. And energy is information, too. How the energy appears, whether it is verbal or nonverbal, visible or not, does not make a difference at the level I am working on.
The only thing that matters here, is an open heart and taking part in a determined way. That also concerns the spiritualization that I talked about earlier.
Also the issue, whether you can see and talk to me in person, is not always as important as you may assume sometimes. It is essential, whether you practise deeply and whether you have a heart to heart relationship with me or not.
Everyone is getting the right and suitable energy for her-/himself. The more attentive you participate, the more you will sense and experience this yourself.
Concerning the topic of revelation and initiation: Already a long time ahead of the seminar, I started to spark the fire for the energy of the joy of life. At the seminar, I nourished that fire and I will support it energetically furthermore.
It is essential, that this fire will continue burning in your heart and that you look after it well. In the next seminar in September, I will lead you to the next level. Another initiation on an invisible level…
For 2017 building up on this, I am thinking about holding a seminar for several days. That gives us all the possibility to concentrate even more on that energy and to deepen it further into education & healing.
It is like the principle of three days. What we do well and right today, is a preparation for tomorrow and solves the problems from yesterday. To do the right things every day, means to build a better future and a clearing up of the past.
Education for the future, healing for the past.
Whoever wants to walk this path with this method and with me, has to listen carefully, act in a determined way and keep calm. Even if you do not understand something at the moment, expect it differently or feel uncomfortable with it. These personal feelings and/or your subjective, own opinion do not matter for that development as long as you are still in a development stage.
To crest the spiritual peek, is a very challenging project and it is normal to reach your limits quickly. If you want to overcome them and grow further, you need help from someone Wise. If you want to take this help or not, is your own decision and responsibility.
It is my job and duty to help the people, to help you all, so that you can solve your present and past problems… Even if I talked or slept throughout the whole seminar, the help would happen anyway.
Concerning the question, why we talked so much about the DEAN ZENTRUM in the seminar:
My work appears invisible and visible. The centre belongs to the visible part of my work. The centre is for you and your children and your children’s children. It is for your ancestors and their ancestors, for your life and your success. And it is for now, for this moment, for this life and your next life.
This is why it is simply a matter of the heart if you decide to take part in it or not. Who really wants to be a part of it, now has the chance. It does not matter whether you are laughing or crying while doing it, whether you are able to give a lot or just a little, as long as it is from your heart. Who wants to help, should feel his talent inside himself and bring it in. Who does not feel comfortable with it or does not know how to help, should rather leave it for now, that is no problem. There are no expectations at all from my side, you do it for no one but yourself and the next generation…